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Spoke Training at Oromia 1 cohort
Tuesday, January 16, 2024

In Ethiopia despite remarkable improvements in the health infrastructure expansion and access to basic services, women and girls continue to die from obstructed labor and suffer permanent reproductive tract complications as a result of teenage pregnancy, early marriage and female genital mutilation. Additionally, effective utilization of healthcare facilities is minimal; and among those who receive care, satisfaction is low, and the quality of care doesn’t often meet recommended standards.

Contain Patients Move Doctors (COPMOD) is an approach that represents a rights-based holistic primary care transformation to accelerate improvements in quality of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services. To achieve the objective of expanding comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services, the approach employs interventions focused on collaborative learning among hub and spoke networked facilities; redesigning service delivery models; and gaining trust of the public and ensuring optimal utilization of care. To cascade the concept of these COP-MOD project and implementation tool, training has been conducted for 21 spokes in Oromia region at Damat hotel in February 2023, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. A total of 60 professionals participated on the training.

The training was based on preceding assessment of the participating facilities and takes the recommendation of regional health bureau in the area of quality improvement into consideration and implemented in a highly interactive way by allowing a two-way flow of information between the participants on the concept of the COP-MOD. It incorporated both theoretical and practical session. Equivalent time allocated for both theoretical and practical session and the trainer and facilitator supported the practice sessions. The approach was highly interactive and encouraged group discussion and teamwork. Day to day life activities and stories associated with concept was shared to boost the understanding of the content. The learning objective of the training was to explain health as a high value product and disease outcome as a process defect, to practice value chain analyses and apply the skills to design a value chain analysis for SRH care in their facility, to explain the three principles of person: Know and respect your customer; recognize customer needs and redesign your system to address those needs; involve customers in planning, design, delivery, improvement and evaluation of their care , to apply principles of person centered care to redesign care provided at their facility and to explain principles of literacy.

The participants have exchanged their working experience as well talked over their main difficulties in their facilities, shared their obstacles and issues to give the needed quality health care in SRH services. They expressed an astonishing reaction to the training which exceeded our expectation as well as conveyed a positive feedback to the concept and indicated that they have grasped the objectives of the training. Additionally majority of them have stated that they are enthusiastic to apply the concept in SRH services in their facilities. Also expressed on how they enjoyed the delivery mode. To sum it up the training was very successful in meeting the given objectives. The participants were pleased about the overall experience and suggested to continue this kind of training in the future, to make the training material detailed enough and the training venue near their facilities.