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Implementation follow-up committee TOT training
Tuesday, January 16, 2024

As one of the beginning core activities for the effective implementation of the COPMOD project, training of the trainer (TOT) was given for the selected coach COPMOD implementation follow up core team (IFCT) members from coach hospitals. Seven key participants were selected from each of the five hospitals, including the hospital chief executive officers (CEO), gynecology and obstetrics specialists, and quality team leaders. The selected coach hospitals were for Amhara (Dessie comprehensive specialized hospital (CSH) and Debrebirhan CSH), for Oromia region (Alert hospital and Abebech Gobena hospital), and for Afar region (Dubti general hospital).

The main goal of the training was to capacitate the committee with the knowledge and expertise required to carry out the COPMOD project successfully. The primary objective of the training was to increase the degree of awareness of the networking of coach-hub-spoke facilities while also providing the trainees with the essential knowledge and abilities in project cycle management and execution procedures. The topics covered include, value generation and variation, introducing DMAIC/PDSA, Define/Process Mapping, Define/Value streaming, Standardization of work and concept: KAIZEN, and Work system Design.

Six related sections make up the training curriculum for participants. The first half of the session is devoted to the theoretical background and lasts 90 minutes, while the second half is devoted to the practical application of the theory and lasts the same amount of time. Participants learn how to implement QI projects in practice and build the skills needed to plan and implement QI projects in their respective cohorts. The training took place over three days.

The participants’ training satisfaction was measured using the mean score. The mean score was calculated for the 16 items, from strongly disagree to strongly agree to the positively guided questions. The mean score was 3.76, and those who scored mean and above are said to be satisfied, and those below mean are said to be not satisfied. A total of 18 out of 30 participants (60%) scored above the mean satisfaction score. The minimum satisfaction score was 3.31, and the maximum was 4. When we see each item, all of the respondents strongly agreed with the trainer’s well-prepared course and his ability to answer the questions. In addition, they all strongly agreed to recommend the training to others. Ninety percent of the respondents (27/30) strongly agreed that the facilitators were supportive during the training. Almost all of the participants, 29/30 (96.6%), strongly agreed to attend the subsequent session of the training. The same numbers of participants are also motivated to come up next time with their facility assessments to understand their facilities status and assist in the subsequent phases of the project implementation. Compared to other measurements, the easiness of the training material score was the least one, 3.03 out of 4. Next to this item, the participant materials helped me learn the skills question has the second least score with the average score of 3.3.