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Tuesday, December 26, 2023

On August 22nd, 2023, ACSIS (Healthcare Systems Impact Syndicate Africa) was invited as a honorable guest to the Lunch and Learn Directorate Forum, which took place at Dima Primary Hospital.

Representatives from the Oromia regional health bureau, including Mr. Dereje Abdena, Dr. Bokona Guta, Dr. Tesfaye Kebebew, and Chala Damena, were in attendance. During the forum, ACSIS's country director and program director delivered presentations on the COPMOD (Contain Patients, Move Doctors) project and its achievements, providing valuable insights to the audience.

The representatives from the regional health bureau expressed their gratitude for ACSIS's support and acknowledged the significant positive impact that Dima Primary Hospital would have on the local community and the surrounding areas. In recognition of ACSIS's efforts, the Oromia Regional Health Bureau pledged their support by committing to provide necessary equipment and human resources to further enhance the hospital's capabilities.

This collaboration between ACSIS and the Oromia Regional Health Bureau is anticipated to strengthen the healthcare system and enhance the accessibility of high-quality healthcare services in the region. The Lunch and Learn program, held on a monthly base, served as an important platform for knowledge sharing and fostering partnerships to drive positive change in the healthcare sector.